The Fox Hunt

The 2022 Fox Hunt has regrettably been cancelled due to weather. You may still pick up your lunch at this location.

You may still tour the homes rain or shine!

Every Chester County Day begins with a fox hunt.  

Due to weather, the Fox Hunt has been cancelled. But the house tour portion is held rain or shine!

The 2022 event will be hosted by the Bellwood Hunt Club. Join us early on the “Day” before the tour stops officially open at 10:00 AM for the beauty and pageantry of fox hunting at Hibernia County Park. 

There are 3 entrances to this beautiful park.  For the Hunt enter at 763 Cedar Knoll Rd. and follow the signs for parking in “Fiddlers Field”.  Please be parked by 8:30 AM. 

Look for the large white tent to enjoy coffee and baked goods provided by the ladies of the Women’s Auxiliary while the riders and hounds gather and share interesting facts about fox hunting in Chester County.